Modern Electronic Car Keys
Modern Electronic Keys (Transponder Keys) have been fitted to the majority of Australian cars since 1996. Transponder Keys are part of the anti-theft immobilisation system of your car.
Transponder Keys may or may not have a keyless entry button in the head of the key. Many of these keys look just like a standard car key with a plastic head. Transponders are a passive technology that needs no input from you to work so you may not even know your car has one.
The immobilisation system works by using a reader ring which is fitted to the face of the car ignition cylinder. The ring causes an induction field that charges the transponder chip in your key so that it can send its unique code to the on-board computer which will then allow the engine to start.
There are three main ways to program keys.
- In car programming with a handheld computer
- Reading then duplicating the existing key in our workshop
- Cloning the existing key by mimicking its transponder code
We have a large range of transponder keys in stock to suit many makes and models.
If you would like us to help you with getting an additional Transponder Key for your car it is important to let us know the Make, Model and Year of the vehicle.
Call us on 6280 6611 or drop into our workshop in Fyshwick and our staff will be able to advise you on all of your key cutting enquiries.